2024-07-17 Planning Board Agenda/Minutes

                                     Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Agenda

July 17, 2024


LOCATION CHANGED: Community Center Café (entrance behind Post Office loading dock)

1. Roll Call:


2. Review and approval of last months Planning Board Minutes:



3. Communications:
a. Calls w/ Consultant, Engineer & Legal Council
i. 7/8 & 7/16
ii. Frank & Cierra in attendance
4. New Business:
a. Carson Power- County HWY 54 solar farm revised proposal.


5. Old Business: 
a. Steve Pasternack- Subdivision on Salt Springfield Road


6. Privilege of the Floor:


7. Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting (8/21/24):

Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Meeting Notes

July 17, 2024

7:00pm Community Room at the Old School

Meeting was called to order      7:00  pm

1. Roll Call: Cierra Utter, Dave Cornelia, Ellen LaSalle, Bill Compton, Frank McGrath, Lorraine Bosma (by video)

Guests: Carson Power representatives, John Lyons, Jodie Serowski

2.  Review of last month’s Planning Board Minutes:

3.  Communications:

-Subdivision inquiry to the town clerk referred to CVJPB regarding zoning for Air BB.

-Letter from Otsego County Agriculture and Farm Protection Board stating position on Carson Solar project.

4.  New Business:

a. Resolution for town board to 1) clarify the intent of the term “components” as references to roads and fences and 2) what must be kept out of the 100ft. setback.

Motion by L. Bosma, second by W. Compton      Motion passed 5-0

b. Carson submitted revised project documents.  Letter submitted from Otsego County Agriculture and Farm Protection Board regarding concerns over the proposed project.  OCAFPB will be listed as an interested agency.

Motion to include as interested agency by W. Compton,  second by D. Cornelia  

Motion Passed 5-0

c. Lead Agency letters returned with no objections for CV Joint Planning Board to be lead agency.

Motion for Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board to be Lead Agency for East Springfield Solar Project (ie. Carson Solar) made by F. McGrath,  second by W. Compton

Motion passed 5-0

c. George Janes contacted for independent review and consultation of viewshed analysis that has been submitted.

d. Begin review of Full Environmental Assessment Form part 1: to clarify if there is additional information required of applicant or if there is information missing.

Key questions asked: 

-What happens if storm water plan does not work as planned?

Agreement to be drawn up, submitted, and subject to approval by PB

-Increased traffic during construction being noted for future discussion.

5.  Old Business:

6.  Privilege of the Floor: 

Community comment regarding the proposed project.  Concern expressed for 1. the scenic views that would be disturbed and 2. the impact on home property values and 3. Concern for sinking of a pond on the property above the project.

7.  Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting 06/19/24

-Resolution for clarification to be sent to Town supervisor

-be prepared to review EAF sec. D, E to end

Motion to adjourn the meeting by C. Utter,   Second by W. Compton Passed 5-0

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.

Respectively submitted by Frank McGrath,  secretary 


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