2024-08-21 Planning Board Agenda/Minutes

 Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Agenda

August 21, 2024


Location: Community Room in Old School

  1. Roll Call:
  2. Review and approval of last month’s Planning Board Minutes:
  3. Communications:
    1. Cindy Hall- Question on zoning laws
    2. Resident call about property lines for 143 Barringer Road 
    3. Jaclyn Fredriksen- Proposed cabin construction on 3212 County Highway 31 
    4. Carson Solar- Call w/ Consultant, Engineer & Legal Council
      1. 8/14
      2. Frank & Cierra in attenance 
  4. New Business:
    1. Ken Root- Lot Line Adjustment 38 Main Street

  1. Old Business: 
    1. Carson Power- County HWY 54 solar farm revised proposal
      1. Town Board to clarify definition of “Components” and “Prime Farmland Soil Disturbance.”
      2. Engaging with George M. Janes- photo simulations (backyard photos, revised viewshed) 
      3. Independent Property Valuation Consultant
      4. EAF Part 1- Review 
    2. Steve Pasternack- Subdivision on Salt Springfield Road
  2. Privilege of the Floor:
  3. Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting (9/18/24):

Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Minutes (F)

August 21, 2024 

Location: Community Room in Old School

  1. Call to Order 7:00pm 
  2. Roll Call: Cierra Utter, Dave Cornelia, Ellen LaSalle, Lorraine Bosma (Exc.), Bill Compton (Exc.), Frank McGrath
  3. Review and approval of last months Planning Board Minutes:  
    1. Motion by D. Cornelia,  2nd F. McGrath:  Accepted and Approved 4-0 
  4. Communications:
    1. Letter from Carson Solar requesting: Application be deemed complete; public hearing; complete GML 239 referral to county planning office
  5. New Business:
    1. Jaclyn Fredriksen- Proposed cabin construction on 3212 County Highway 31
      1. Recommended contacting County Codes office regarding category of proposed home.  Forms to complete Land Use A, B, C. posted to website for access.
    2. Ken Root- Lot Line Adjustment 38 Main Street
      1. Preliminary Plat or Final Plat to be determined.
      2. PB to review Land Use Law p.20, Sec. 3.04.b (Clustering) and Land Subdivision Regulations p.16, 4.2.b (Variances); 4.8.a (Modifications)

    1. Motion made to update Coordinated Review Letter to include Farm Protection Board as interested party.  Motion by D. Cornelia,  2nd. F. McGrath.  Approved 4-0
    2. Motion to engage wildlife biologist to conduct thorough survey of the proposed solar farm site.   Motion by E. LaSalle, 2nd by D. Cornelia.  Approved 4-0

  1. Old Business: 
    1. Carson Power- County HWY 54 solar farm revised proposal
      1. Awaiting Town Board decision on request to  clarify definition of “Components” and “Prime Farmland Soil Disturbance.”
      2. Forwarding George M. Janes- photo simulation comments to Carson Solar 
      3. Contact Independent Property Valuation Consultant for the Planning Board
      4. Request Carson Solar update property valuation analysis with properties more consistent with Town of Cherry Valley characteristics.
      5. Requesting Carson Solar contact property owners for permission to take backyard photos, revise viewshed
      6. EAF Part 1- Review completed
  2. Privilege of the Floor: None
  3. Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting (9/18/24):

Review EAF Part 2 questions 

  1. Motion to adjourn by E. LaSalle, 2nd by D. Cornelia approved 4-0

Meeting Adjourned at 9:47pm


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