2024-04-17 Agenda/Minutes

 Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Agenda

April 17, 2024  (approved)

7:00pm Community Room at the Old School

  1. Roll Call:

  1. Review and approval of last month’s Planning Board Minutes:

  1. Communications:
    1. Carson Power- County HWY 54 solar farm proposal.
    2. Annual planning and zoning training- May 8th RSVP to come soon.
    3. Creighton Manning- Zooning Map inquiry.
  2. New Business:

  1. Old Business: 
    1. David VanDerwerker- Lot line adjustment.
    2. Leonard Press: Subdivision request on Willie O’neil Rd.

  1. Privilege of the Floor:

  1. Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting (5/15/24):

Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Meeting Notes

April 17, 2024. (Approved)

7:00pm Community Room at the Old School

Meeting was called to order 07:01pm

1. Roll Call: Cierra Utter, Dave Cornelia, Ellen LaSalle, Lorraine Bosma, Bill Compton

* Frank McGrath attended via voice conference

Guests: David VanDewerker, Wendy Weeks

2.  Review of last month’s Planning Board Minutes: As Frank was not present in person, Cierra appointed Lorraine to act as secretary for this meeting. Review of last month’s meetings – no corrections, motion to approve made by Dave Cornelia and seconded by Ellen LaSalle – all approved.

3.  Communications:

a.  The County sent out its annual planning and training set for May 8th. Everyone will plan on attending. Plan on meeting at the Old School for carpooling. Lorraine will forward the information again to everyone so everyone can register.

4.  New Business:

5.  Old Business:

a. David VanDewerker presented his Final Plat application for a lot line adjustment with neighbor notifications. Motion to approve was made by Dave Cornelia and seconded by Bill Compton – all approved. Fee was paid and mylar signed. 

b.  Leonard Press: no update.

c.  Carson Power: Frank and Cierra have met with the Town Board. Escrow has been established and will be handled by the Town Board. No further action will be taken by the Planning Board until escrow has been paid. All billings will go through the Town Board. Town Board has approved the hiring of and engineer and consultant to assist the Planning Board with this process.  Frank has set up a Drop Box where Board Members can access information as Carson provides it. It is expected that Carsons will present at our May meeting. 

d. Frank and Cierra also discussed with the Town Board the need to hire a Code Enforcer. The Town Board recommended contacting surrounding Townships to see if we can share a Code Enforcer. Frank will follow up on this

6.  Privilege of the Floor: 

a. Wendy Weeks attended the meeting at the request of her son who lives on Irish Hollow Rd. near where the proposed Solar Farm is. She had some questions regarding the approval process and next steps. 

7.  Activities to be accomplished before the next meeting 05/15/24

a. Everyone to attend the Training offered by the County 

b. Question if the Board needs annual Sexual Training – Lorraine will ask about that. 


Bill made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ellen, l all approving. Meeting was adjourned at 8:06

Respectively submitted by Lorraine Bosma, acting secretary 


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